Saturday, April 24, 2010

Update from Us

I'm not sure who checks this verses my personal blog but I thought I would share some recent news from me, Davis and Marshall.

Davis matched in St. Louis, MO for his 4 year long residency program. Although he will be doctor after Medical School graduation (May 16th), he won't be making the big bucks til after residency. Residency is kinda like a 4 year long internship where you specifically train in what kind of doctor you want to be. Davis is going to be an OB/GYN. We are so excited for a change and to be done with being students. We visited St. Louis in hopes to buy a home and yes, we found one! And we love it! We are soooo excited to be home-owners, especially to this home...its soooo cute! We are still in the process right now but everything should close on May 20th! I know, so soon! :)

While we were in St. Louis we realized that we really liked the city....a lot. There is a loads to do and its a very fun, easy going environment. The weather is alot like NC (hot and humid summers, wild winters) but I have heard it does get a bit colder there. I am going to miss NC and the fun friends we have made and also the beautiful beaches that are only a 3 hour drive away from us. But I think St. Louis is ready for us and I'm excited for something new.

Marshall is 8 months and really starting to move around. He started the army-crawl for a few days ago and will balance on his hands and knees for a few seconds too. We think he'll start crawling here soon. He is starting to self-feed but still getting the hang of it so we are sticking to small bits of crackers and rice puffs for now. Marshall is brings such joy to me and Davis's lives. He is so sweet, very curious and a baby happy.

If you wanna see pictures of our house go here.

Here are a few recent pictures.

Match Day...were Davis found out where he was going for residency.
Marshall being a "Gerber Baby."

Marshall and his new ducky tub, yes that is a mini duck tub...and its awesome!

Hiking one Saturday at 'Hanging Rock Park'. So pretty!

Davis and Marshall at 'Hanging Rock,'

Hope everyone is doing well, we miss you and think about you often!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

These are some pictures of different things that have been happening in my life the last couple of months. I am still trying to figure out how to do all this I don't know how to post right by the picture yet. So, you are all smart.. so I'm sure you will get it.

First is the picture of my brothers and sisters at my dad's funeral on Feb 6, 2010. My brother Randy is not there because he is in the hospital on a ventilator.

Next is the quilt I made for my friend at work, Diana, who covered for me at the Beehive Bakery while I was gone so much. I think it turned out really cute. I just cut 9", 6" and 3" squares and sewed them on top of each other. It was a quick quilt and turned out nice
Last is the picture of Stacy holding Jack, Deva kissing Jacks hand, Shellee, and Nash, (trying to get away!) They were just up to our home for dinner. They will be leaving Columbus soon and I will miss them all so much. They are moving on to bigger things, (Grad. school for Shellee and Chris & Residency for Stacy & Mark) in their lives and I am happy for them, but the Gramma in me is very sad.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The Latest

Here are a few pictures of the Katseanes crew. Marshall is a hoot. He's 6 months now, and we love him to pieces! If you wanna see more pictures, visit my family blog ( Love you all!

Monday, February 22, 2010

My cute little grandkids!

This is Stacy and Mark's little guy. His name is Jack. He is such a sweet little boy.

This is Deva and Nash. They are Shellee and Chris' two little munchkins.

This is Marshall. He is Laura and Davis' little guy. They are staying with us through Mar. 8th. Davis is doing a medical rotation at a local hospital.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

What's up doc?

Well, I thought that maybe I ought to say something since I did start this blog. I mainly did this so my friends can keep up with what my family is doing. I am still learning how to do all this stuff so as time goes on I will be able to put up pictures and all that cool stuff. But for now, hanging out tonight by myself...Dallin is at driver's training and Kurt is at a bishopric meeting. Kurt has been on call for the last 2 weeks and I have hardly seen him.

We did have Scott, Davis, Laura and Marshall here for 2-3 weeks during Christmas. It was hard when they left, I love having the grandkids here. Marshall is getting big and is a real cutie.

Shellee, Chris, Deva and Nash stayed with us for Christmas Eve and a couple of days. It was great to have a house full.

Stacy and Mark are in Houston and little Jack is growing up without my kisses and raspberries. Hopefully Stacy can post a picture and tell how they are doing! (Hint)

Sunday, January 10, 2010


JUst dropping a post to say Cheese. Nash loves to crinkle up his nose and snort. He is so funny. It was good to see Laura and SCott. I hope the ranking process goes okay for both DAvis and Mark. WE love you all.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Remember This?

Ha, so I'm a blog snob and had to be the first. This is probably one of my favorite vacations we have been on in a long time. Its when we went to Palmyra and Niagara Falls. Fun times, let's get postin'.